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Hey, welcome to my blog! I'm Finny; how are you? Read around; i'm sure there's something you can relate to.. or teach me. p.s my Jesus rocks =) and so do my awesomely amazing friends.

PES (post-exam syndrome)

Everybody is PESsed off now! (haha get it? ....no? ><) yeah. that's about all the usefulness the title had. hm, moving on...

This is the first week (non-inclusive of monday) where i haven't been studying my butt off. Pwoa, and i tell you, it is a good feeling XD. Many things have happened this week, ....lol my Dad just went crazy because Argentina scored against Serbia, making it like 5-0 XD Bah, but nothing could beat the AUSTRALIA MATCH, i wont elaborate because of two of my awesome readers are Japan supporters. Possibly 3. ..or 4. Ok, so maybe it's not the best time to talk about this, moving on...
Right after my exams were over, most of my family came (plus a second-cousin) for a light sorta...meal thing, and that was good to get in touch with all my cousins, specially my two youngest Audrey and Jaron, who immediately, upon arrival, walk into my room and yell:


"er..but you guys came in like..last week right.."


It's true, i study with a blanket over my head. Somehow it helps me to concentrate (plus it's winter and i dont like my head getting cold.) i'm damn weird eh XD, but to each his own studyin style (back off Kim -__-)

This week was results week, been getting alot of results back haha! And as most of you who read this blog would know, much controversy surrounds my English Lit mark =_= but i think i generally did pretty good in the rest. I wont tell you my marks here lol! for obvious reasons (that i'll leave to you to make up xD)

This is Arik's Kebab store, with most of my friends crowded into it. We usually go there for lunch after school on Fridays a)because it's across the road and b) because the chips and kebabs there are AWESOME (kim you seriously have got to try it there). Anyway we were having a good talk about.....well, Alistair was talking about video games but we had a good talk about Michael Jackson and Rob cracked a joke that got me laughing later. Ask him to tell you (mindful: not for the faint hearted XD)

YEa....then later tonight my parents randomly came into my room and were like, "yeah Jon we're going out for dinner and taking your cousin with us" so i was like .....ok then, so i got ready and stuff....damn ...well let me tell it from the beginning.

I was dead tired from the night before, having talked to a friend from Hong Kong about memories from over 3 years ago and trying to accurately recall as many as we could (she could even remember what i was wearing, what we sang at church that day.....stuff like that) which is amazing coz....it's 3 years ago XD

So we went out and i was originally half asleep and semi-hungry. We picked up my cuz, who was obviously in quite the same situation, i think the place was called Arirang, a Korean barbeque place. One of the ones where the stove is on your table and you cook all this stuff yourself? WARNING: IF YOU ARE HUNGRY, COVER YOUR EYES

And yea, looks alot like that, just with flaming coals underneath the metal platter. and, no, Leon there were no hot Korean waitresses there. There were alot of waitresses though o.O and the only thing that was steaming hot around the place was the tomato that i decided to shove inside the mix LOL! (and the lemon....and pumpkin...and onion...but we digress)

When our food originally arrived, looked something like this

Oooooooh those were just the side dishes too, you know you want some! I tried to take a picture that would show you the entire resteraunt, but unfortunately when i stuck the camera over my shoulder and pressed 'capture', all i got was some weird guy looking at the camera as if i were like some ....dunno pervert or something.....

but anyway.

You dont know how full we were after we walked out of there. My cuz and i, that is. My parents seemed to be fine. Despite my dad going

"i have eaten my share"

and cuz rebutting,

"well, so have i!"

my dad and mum walked around 4 times faster than us, not coz we were slow, but because we LITERALLY COULDNT WALK ANY FASTER! And there we were, trying not to make each other laugh for fear of spewing all over the street, but it was kinda hard when you see two people in a street of many clinging on to each other for dear life and waddling like penguins. Trust me, you'd have laughed too.

Believe it or not, AFTER THAT we even went for a COFFEE at Gloria Jenes. ...Gloria Jeans. Crap how do you spell Gloria gene. Cuz, i need that sugar packet you took back from Glorious Jeans i mean, gloria Jene Bah whatever, GJ's =_=

and after THAT fulfilling drink, we waddled (literally) back to the car...arrived a good few minutes after my parents who seemed to have no problem with walking and digesting >.> and drove my cuz home.

Pwoa, what a busy week. In a relaxed sense, it's PES. i know it >< Haiz....

On another note, OUR YOUTH GROUP HAS ITS OWN BLOG!!!!!! For those that received the e-mail (all GMCYF members) check your junk mail/wherever for an invitation by blogger, TAKE NOTICE THAT BEFORE YOU PRESS I ACCEPT, YOU MUST HAVE A BLOGGER ACCOUNT.

If there are any problems accepting, contact myself, Crosby or Ken. Here's the website!


Enjoy it!! Tell us any problems you have about design and stuff, and queries, questions, comments or concerns are dealt with accordingly! just tell one of the admins (listed above.)

SO yeah haha, hope you guys enjoy your week, for those still on exams, keep it up, i know you guys'll do great! For those that have finished, i hope your results were as good as you expected them to be! and for those that dont have exams, ....enjoy your life now XD

Haiz...it's a good feeling, when you're really full. My Cuz would disagree, she likes being hungry, but i dunno, after that meal, seriously.....very satisfying meal too.... i felt....lighter (....in a highly contradictory sense XD) light headed? hm. Maybe the meat wasn't cooked too well....

Or it could have been the steamed tomato.

Lol. i just love how people say:

"you are what you eat"

Fin the tomato~

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