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Hey, welcome to my blog! I'm Finny; how are you? Read around; i'm sure there's something you can relate to.. or teach me. p.s my Jesus rocks =) and so do my awesomely amazing friends.

Thank you.....and thank You.

Hey Guys!!

There are a few things i wanna talk about first, but, obviously....i gotta start by saying:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

To everybody that helped make my birthday so.freaking.awesome. (i know i said it on the church blog, but you deserve another round of thanks XD). For those that weren't there, i'll give you a brief recap on what happened.

Basically, it was a normal saturday, angel night (go read the post on the church blog) and the date was....29/07/06. The 29th; day after my birthday. (thanks for all the people who wished me too!thank you thank you thank you [it's ok Hartley, at least you remembered xD]) The service went normally, ended a bit early because of some long announcements. But then Leon came up to give an announcement. This was weird for 3 reasons:

1) Leon hasn't ever given an announcement before
2) Leon was holding a guitar
3) Leon gave me the "HAHAH I'M ABOUT TO EMBARRASS YOU!" smile.

So, quickly sizing up the situation, i decided to make a run for the door! Lol, nice try Jon, didn't get very far before they (being Ken and Rob - having started early and in the wrong key) started singing the happy birthday song. And i thought that was it? Noooooo not so.

Turns out my dearrr sis (i hope you're reading this!) Annie Tan bought a cake.....and sorta half made it by putting skittles and nerds and stuff on it (super! XD). So we celebrated with cake! (who doesn't?) and since Caroline's birthday was on the 21st (go wish her if you haven't already) - we celebrated 2 birthdays! woot!

Sif that wasn't enough? Kind, generous angels (lol xD) gave me presents! =D! wahhh, i dont need to tell you i was feeling pretty damn special at that point in time. Like, i mean, pretty.damn.special. And after Crosby said the closing prayer; we all moved out and ate cake! and lived happily ever after! =)!

THANK YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL once again. It meant so so so much. And i'm sure Caroline would say the same. You guys? pft, best peoples in the world. (i knew it before you surprised me XD). Oh, what gifts did i get? hahah :p i have to keep some secrets to myself! ;p

Still getting over the shock of that. Blegh, awesome people you guys are.

Well, today in school wasn't much. Above there is a picture of an Orphan Lamb that Leon decided to become obsessed over in discreet, every 2 minutes he'd yell out:


whilst bouncing the book along the desk to make it look as if the lamb was 'moving'. Yeah - go figure.

Actually, we were both working kinda hard to start of with.....(yes, believe it or not). No serious! Take a look!

There's Leon absolutely trying his best to solve that problem on the orphan lambs (oh- he wanted to save them so much. You should've seen.)

And there's a very out of focus me that is working equally as hard. (although people that know me well, will spot something wrong with that picture....and thus prove the former sentence false xD)

Yea, we were really going at it, you know, churning those brain cells!! And you know, showing the book what we were made out of, 1 problem, 2 problem, 3 problems down, and we were still flying...yeaaaa that's rite. My page looked something like this ;

Look at all that working out!! i was so proud. Buuuuuut i guess i stopped after a while, .....got distracted by a few things. Camp being one of them.

Mehhhh!!! It was last period, just had PE, it was raining, and it's Discreet. What else could you expect!! Although, i looked over on Leon's side and it turns out he was still working!! SO i was like NO WAY!!!! I mean, the fella never works! (and still gets very good scores xD) - but to see him work!! wow! Just look at the photo of him above, typing away on that calculator!!

I had to see what he was doing. So i looked over his shoulder and lo and behold:

Yea, working so so hard -_-||. Oh here's a picture of Terry for Jenny and Evy:

Lol, Terry was .....somwhat distracted in our activities, so he decided to peek over. Pity i caught him turning =
Lol, between us three, we always manage to find SOMETHING to do in discreet. We need to, since we finish the exercise days ahead of the teacher XD. Sitting in class and doing nothing is very unproductive know?!! So it's usually throwing paper at each other, hitting each other with pencil cases.....saving orphan sheep, laughing at stupid things each other does....

and it's good fun!! xD Just warning to people who might follow suit: Only do it if you've finished your work XDD - else your grades might suffer ><

Haiz~ it's like a free study period. Just we do study!!

The art of being stupid XDDD I'm guessing you can deduce what leon's makeshift poster says -_-''!

Lol. Yea, welcome back to school.


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