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Hey, welcome to my blog! I'm Finny; how are you? Read around; i'm sure there's something you can relate to.. or teach me. p.s my Jesus rocks =) and so do my awesomely amazing friends.


My most recent thoughts/events below. Click on the title to view the post again. Oh right, the search function only works for pages indexed by google..so..haha well, i guess there are some =\


Deep in thought....

My week has been pretty crap...i'd rather not blog about it, but i would like to blog about something that i recently just observed on the news..generally i'm quite skeptical about programs such as "A current affair" and such, but i guess a combination of sheer boredom and correct timing put me in front of an issue.... that i really am quite glad i've seen.

Usually the issues all end up in fiery debate, and the media does nothing to put out the fire, in many cases managing to aggravate it even moreso. and i guess in a sense, this case was no different, however, there was an element of truth in this story that could well be a lesson to many of us out there. I'll try to recall it as best i can, for the sake of privacy i wont paste any images related to the story up here.

i turned to you....when i wanted help, you ignored my plea.

A man and a woman, names i wont mention here, were driving down the freeway. They're engaged, with two kids, (who weren't in the car at the time) Everything's normal for them, in fact they're feeling quite on top of the world, their marriage coming closer with every passing day.

i came to you for help....you looked another direction.

Suddenly, their life changes. Travelling at speeds of up to 100kmph, they notice another car swerving, losing control on the opposite side of the road. Coming fast towards them. too late.

They collide.

Their car erupts into flame, and is thrown back quite a significant distance. Everybody observing agreed that it would have been a miracle for any people in the car to survive that. Three passing strangers, immediately stopped. Dragged a woman on fire out of the car, quickly doused her with water, cordial, drinks anything they could find. They then return to the car in flames. They drag the womans husband out, still conscious. He is begging for mercy.

I looked for a sign of sympathy...of care.... you didn't give me any....

The woman lies in hospital, trapped in a coma for 3 months. She suffers from severe burns to every part of her body, her face is a mess. There is blood everywhere. She has to have her entire face skin grafted. Whilst still in a coma, she dreams about her 2 kids...wanting to run to them, but not being able to. Her legs wouldn't move.

Her soon-to-be husband lies in the same hospital. He has almost broken every bone in his body. Being a sports player, it will be extremely detrimental on his performance. But he is optimistic. Worrying about his wife, although admitting worrying brings about no change. He is the first to tell his kids that both he and his wife will be ok.

yet instead you laughed at me.

a year after the incident. A Current Affair, interviews both wife and husband over the event. Bombarded with questions such as, "how do you feel about the other driver, who did this to you, and got out uninjured?" and, "what legal action will you take?", "how do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror?". When asked the last question, the woman looks up. her face is covered in bandages. She quietly says, "At first...i couldn't stand the sight of myself. It was too horrible. But now, i realise that it's what's on the inside that counts."

The husband, holding back tears was asked by the media. "So how do you feel about that driver who got away, scott-free?" He replied in a steady voice. "It would be so much easier...to just have them admit they were in the wrong. It would lift so much off our shoulders." At the last sentence, his wife breaks down in tears.

you gave me torment. anguish. but it's ok.....

When the couple had regained their composure, the media asked the deadly question. Aimed at creating an inflated response, it was a cruel question that most made the most of.

"So, if you could say anything to that driver, who is probably watching now..what would it be?"

The camera moves to the wife, as she starts to cry. But resounding, and compassionate was her simple response:

"I forgive you..."

The camera shifts to the reporter, who obviously wasn't expecting such a reply. Almost in tears himself, the reporter gathers enough courage to go against the flow, and say,

"I cant imagine how hard it would be to say that. Truly, despite all that's happened to you and your family, you have learnt one of the most important lessons in life."

I forgive you...

The wife, however, wasn't done yet. Uptil now, everybody had forgotten about the three mysterious men, who had rescued them from the wreckage, and dissapeared mysteriously, not even seeking a word of thanks. She said, finally overcome by her tears, "Thank you so much for all you've done...surely without your help, we wouldn't be here today."

Powerful isn't it? I thought i had to share that with you guys. This couple not only passed that particular test with flying colours, they managed to recover, and forgive the offender. I dont know about you, but i, alike the reporter, cannot even begin to imagine how much willpower that takes. Anybody could have made the most of the media publicity, insulting, berating and swearing at the other driver. But by forgiving them....i believe it's something that would pierce the inner emotion of the other driver, much much more than any insult could ever do. A lesson never to be forgotten.

And so i hope we can all learn something from this incident. Forgiveness, if only there were more people in the world like that. The world would be a much better place.

At least now, i realise that it's ok if you didn't care. because You always did.


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